Thursday, May 3, 2007

Auntie's House

So here I am at my aunt's house in Kissimmee. All is quiet on the western front. Ayshu is at my #2 cousin's (if we're going in order of birth) field trip in St. Augustine as a chaperone...and she had to wear the dorkiest purple tie-dye shirt ever. How very 70s. It looks like a solid purple shirt actually, with a little bit of tie-dye in the corner, because my cousin ran out of rubber bands or gremlins or whatever they use to make tie-dye. So my aunt and I went this morning at 5:30 to see them off. Ayshu is chaperoning four boys, and they seemed nice enough this morning. We'll find out how she fared with them when she returns from the trip. I went with Uncle to drop Cousin #1 at school, and she has a concert tonight at 6 PM. My aunt is going to go pick up Ayshu and Thing 2 tonight, and I'm going to go see Thing 1 play the violin. They will join us at the school if they're not too tired (which I am assuming they will be), so if that is the case my aunt might just come by herself, and my uncle will come after he finishes work.

Insha Allah I'm going to drop my aunt off at her work at 1 PM and then I might head to the Loop...never been there before but it's like any other shopping center: Kohl's, Ross, Old Navy, the cinema. Car needs gas, so we'll fill up at the 7-11 down the street.

Gotta go change.

Thank you for joining me, it's been a slice.

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